Thursday, June 28, 2007

Hello and welcome.

As the description says, my philosophy is that learning continuously keeps you enjoying life. Whether that means accumulating book smarts, improving your work skills or just finally memorizing that plan to get from Point A to Point B in all its sitcomy glory, learning is what keeps things interesting.

For now, I'm making notes on what I learn each day. Some are useful; some are ridiculous; some are things I should have known for years. Sometimes we don't really learn things until we look back on our experiences later. If all goes well, you'll get something out if it, too. Enjoy.


NOTE: These are posts to catch you up on the last week or so.

Friday, June 22, 2007
Hear me out on this one

So I was thinking about writing down at least one thing I learn every day. Not enough to call it a blog, really... Just something to look back on and remember or, if nothing, else giggle at in my old age. I've made a mental list -- big, small, meaningful, pointless -- that covers a pretty wide range. If anyone would be remotely interested, I'll do it online. If not, I'll probably just find a notebook.

Compound modifiers that end in -ly are hyphenated if they are adjectives (friendly-fire incident) but not if they are adverbs (slowly walking man). I've had my AP mixed up for three years.

(On second thought, I may do it online anyway just to spite you. mwhaha.)


* The Subway across the street from work gives employees of The Republic 10 percent off.
* There are several genuinely nice people left hanging around out there. The crazy thing is that, sometimes, you don't even really have to look for them.
* A cougar, puma, moutain lion and panther are the same animal.
* A Chinese crested/chihuahua mix won the World's Ugliest Dog competition.
* Mill Avenue offers a lot of interesting sights on the weekend, but, if I can help it, I'll never be driving through it again.
(Hey, I never said they'd all be completely useful.)


* There are fireworks (not gunshots, as I initially thought) as Chase Field when the Diamondbacks win.
* "July weather" lasts through August in Arizona.
* One of my roomies bought a grill and says the only way to hookah is sitting on floor pillows.
* Chevy is working on a concept car that's powered by batteries that are powered by a small gas engine or by plugging it into the wall. It's called the Volt. (Haha, Get it? Volt? And you plug it... Oh, nevermind.)


* Proper nouns in a series. Capitalize the common word if it comes before the series (Lakes Michigan, Superior and Ontario) but not if it comes after the series (Camelback and McKellips roads).
* "No one is perfect ... except during the first three weeks of a romance."
* As of July, all Arizona public schools grades 7 through college must have an American-made American flag and copies of the Constitution and Declaration of Independence (all Es!) displayed in each classroom.
* THIS GUY might be my hero. Read his June 22 blog (called "This is only a test") and tell me what you got on his quiz. (and DON'T CHEAT.)
::Edit:: I scored 6/6. (I am a copy editor, after all. :) )


First, let me say that I think you guys may have a little too much time on your hands to being enjoying these, but I appreciate the kind words. :) Here we go...
* Bill Clinton was in Scottsdale tonight for a Democratic Party fundraiser.
* Tank Johnson apparently lives in the Valley as well. (Bears fans?)
* Guinness World Records rejected the title of world's youngest surgeon after a 15-year-old boy reportedly performed a C-section on video with the help of his doctor parents (who were then arrested).
* Medical study stuff:
> Mayo Clinic says you can burn 119 more calories per hour if you work while on a treadmill. They're developed "vertical workstations" that allow you to walk at your own pace while working on your computer. An obese person can also lose up to 50 pounds in a year. (Check out the whole story.)
> Giving up bad habits collectively instead of one at a time has proved to be slightly more effective.
>, a site dedicated to baby boomers, offers brain exercises that are supposed to keep your mind sharper into older age and help avoid Alzheimer's.
* Fender is based in Scottsdale.
* Arizonans (yes, Arizonans) are paying 7.4 percent higher than the U.S. average for milk.
* I feel much more productive on my "Friday" than I do most other days of the week.
* This one's a real shocker: Pregnant women do not like people rubbing their bellies, polls say. I would have never guessed.
* And a grammar lesson for the day -- don't use "alleged" unless you can name the person doing the alleging. ("The police allege that the boy performed a C-section." rather than "The boy allegedly...") Instead, use "reportedly." Same effect. Doesn't make you sound like you're pointing fingers out of thin air.


* I don't feel well.
* The woman who cut my hair today has also cut Kathy Griffin's. She also makes me want to dye my locks bright, cherry red. (Can I still do that?)
* Tell someone you miss them. Even if you don't say it in so many words, it will mean a lot to them.
* Christa Miller not only plays Jordan Sullivan on "Scrubs," she was also in "The Drew Carrey Show." I just realized this today. She's also married to "Scrubs" creator Bill Lawrence.
* The day we find out Janitor's name is the day the series ends. Because he originally was going to be a figment of J.D.'s imagination, he doesn't interact with any other characters during the first season. And Neil Flynn really was in "The Fugitive."
* The man who plays Bob Kelso was in stage theater for years and is actually a very sweet man. Cast members say the guy who plays Todd is most like his character.
* The real J.D.'s name is Jon Doris. Many of the guest characters in the show are named after real people Bill Lawrence knows. There are also a handful of regular extras.
* Zach Braff was hung over during his first audition for "Scrubs." He went to a second audition because the casting director was different and no one remembered his first try.
(Any guesses as to what I did on my day off?)

"Relationships don't work the way they do in the movies. Will they? Won't they? Then they finally do, and they're happy forever. Give me a break.

"Nine out of 10 of 'em end because they weren't right for each other to begin with and half the ones that get married get divorced anyway, and I'm telling you right now through all this stuff I have not become a cynic. I haven't.

"Yes, I do happen to believe that love is mainly about pushing chocolate-covered candies and, you know, in come cultures, a chicken. You can call me a sucker, I don't care. Because I do believe in it.

"Bottom line is that the couples that are right for each other wade through the same crap as everybody else, but the big difference is they don't let it take 'em down. One of those two people will stand up and fight for that relationship every time if it's right and they're real lucky. One of them will say something."

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