Thursday, September 27, 2007


* "The more you know who you are and what you want, the less you let things upset you."
That movie isn't as bad as I remember. Wonder what changed.
* Everyone has a soft side ...or at least a side that can be rationalized into appearing soft.
* Mixing the active ingredient in Tylenol and other pain relievers (acetaminophen) with large doses of caffeine can cause liver damage.
* I've counted my shoes, and I think the footwear fairy would be proud.
* This is a great quiz to try -- especially if you don't know WHY you plan to vote for whomever you plan to vote for. (You think you know, but you have no idea.) Also a good way to get down to the basics of the major issues. Be an informed citizen.
* Check out this site to read about a Canadian journalist who will change some aspect of her life each day for a year to live more healthfully for herself and the environment. (Don't roll your eyes and start cursing the treehuggers just yet. She's down to earth and taking baby steps -- trying to prove that even the little things can make a difference.) Pretty interesting.
* Even delegates in the U.N. -- world leaders from the U.S. and other countries -- gather their friends and walk out when someone they don't like gets up to speak. They might as well plug their ears, shut their eyes and start yelling "na na na na na na!"
* Stories are always a more interesting when they fall out of character for the role the storyteller plays in your head.

Wednesday, September 26, 2007


* It has occurred to me, dear single ladies of the world, that it might be wise to carry the name, occupation, favorite book and birth date of a ..."boyfriend"... around in the back of your head. (Said vital info on a ..."fiance" or "husband"... also would do the trick. However, do make that decision before you realize you're not wearing your ..."engagement/wedding ring"... at the moment.) ... I get the feeling this is something I should have figured out long ago.
* Sugarfree gum has been approved by the ADA and has been proven to be beneficial for your teeth. This includes Orbit. (Why would you be chewing anything else?)
* I enjoy a funny video as much as the next guy and/or gal, but if you have so little to do that you can afford to sit around cackling at whatever you stumble across online, it's probably time to go home.
* I also know we're not totally down with Iran, but is it really necessary to poke a stick at the already-inflamed situation by inviting its president to one of our "wonderful universities" only to insult him to no end and make ourselves seem exactly the way everyone else in the world already assumes we are? Seriously.
* The thing about rain: Makes frolicking better; suede shoes, not so much.
* Bookstores/sites have a way of sucking up all your money. Watch out.
* Things are not always what they seem. Character comes from figuring out how to gracefully deal with the way they actually are.

Tuesday, September 25, 2007


* Everyone relax. I've found the elusive non-Randall Road Panera Bread. And I even had to turn left across traffic with no light to do it. Ha.
* Speaking of lights -- you might actually need to know this -- the blinding white beams on traffic lights are for emergency vehicles. Apparently they're used so a) ambulances, etc. can use lights and not sirens and b) you know they're coming without having to turn down your radio/iPod/obnoxious passenger.
* Pay attention when you're driving and do not honk at me when you're the one navigating like an idiot.
* Speaking of idiots, have you ever driven a car without turn signals? No? Hmm... Well, I'd guess that means there's no shortage and it's probably ok to USE THEM.
* Read more.

Monday, September 24, 2007


* Disney's EPCOT = Experimental Prototype Community of Tomorrow
* Dishwashers confuse me.
* Manga is the comic-book version of Japanese anime. It's read right to left, back to front Japanese stuff tends to be.
* A 12-year-old boy from Afghanistan who acts in the upcoming movie version of "The Kite Runner" (which I've never read but hear is great) worries his family will be harassed for a scene in the film.
* I'm still very. very. freaked out by splinters.
* Learning to laugh at yourself really isn't optional if you plan to make friends ...well, ever.
* The scent of vanilla has been proven to relieve stress.
* All I know about football is that Tony Romo went to Eastern. And I'm pretty ok with that.

Wednesday, September 19, 2007


* One of the world's 7,000 unique languages dies every two weeks.
* It's official: The number of employees at the office is greater than the number of parking spaces.
* Does time really heal all wounds, or does it just make everything more complicated?

Tuesday, September 18, 2007


* Yet another reason not to wear those goofy looking Crocs: They've been getting caught in escalators across the world, in some cases, injuring children. No kidding.
* Calling people "kiddo" doesn't make you any taller.
* Just ask that question you think is a stupid one. You'll feel better most of the time.
* Hospitals in Britain have banned neckties and long-sleeved coats (yes, the white ones) because they harbor bacteria.
* I'm almost certain computer problems can't happen in singles ...or more than 20 minutes before deadline.
* Still waiting for that nice man at CVS to get a raise for the "pretty lady" comments.

Monday, September 17, 2007


* From a newspaper standpoint, the Emmys come with all the hassle of elections -- just add some fancy clothes and subtract a lot of meaning.
* I'm not stoked about being associated with O.J. Simpson again just because he can't keep himself out of trouble. I thought we were past this.
* People of Crystal Lake: Raccoons sans tails are not necessarily rabid. (Oh, the memories the scanner will make...)
* Rock yards are highly underrated.

Sunday, September 16, 2007


* Not much to say lately. Well, really more like no time to say it. Apologies.
* Almost everything you do has an effect on others. Keep that in mind.
* Kentucky Fried Chicken > KFC > Kitchen Fresh Chicken
* "It's a girl thing. Girls know when guys flirt... (blah blah blah)" -- some woman from some really bad show on E! at 2 a.m.
...Not. True.
* "The Suze Orman Show" falls in the "guilty pleasure" category.
* Eight pages in a night is doable. Surprisingly.
* Having a schedule opposite of most other people is harder to work with than I'd imagined.
* There's a self-washing, self-drying cat litter box on the market called the Cat Genie.
* Staying up too late and seeing every infomercial out there: probably not a good thing...

Thursday, September 13, 2007


* Things can change so much faster than you think.
* (Roughly) "It's the life you've made. Don't act like it's not yours."
* Don't think it's unreasonable to want someone who will love you for your mind.
* AP says break Web addresses before the punctuation.

Wednesday, September 12, 2007

9/11/07 (part II)

I found this on Post Secret just now.

Maybe people have more in common than you think.


* There are roughly 2,000 dots in a large cup of Dippin' Dots. The creator is a microbiologist, and one of the first vendors was in Pulaski County, Illinois.
* Pretzels started as rewards to little monks when they learned their verses correctly. The shape is to teach them how to pray (arms crossed and whatnot).
* Only in the Midwest can you walk into work in a T-shirt and walk out of work needing a scarf and jacket.
* Sept. 11 is officially Patriot Day. (I get the feeling I'm probably the only one who didn't know this.)
* Double check your mugshots.
* ...and slug photos correctly.
* Certain educators choose not to acknowledge 9/11 in class (specifically on the anniversary and usually for younger children) because they don't want to scare the students or force them to deal with such a dramatic event. Your thoughts?

Tuesday, September 11, 2007


* Mary Kate Olsen is joining the cast of "Weeds"
...which just goes to show that nothing is perfect.
* If political preference stems at all from individual income, it makes perfect sense that the media is made up of a bunch of liberals.

Monday, September 10, 2007


* The Hershey's chocolate marshmallow pumpkins are far superior to the Russel Stover variety.
* It's Halloween already at CVS.
* Brain function is linked to political preference, and liberals handle conflict better.
* I live close to an airport ...apparently.
* When it rains, it pours. Figuratively and guaranteed.
* One of the great things about being a journalist is the better-than-average chance of knowing a ton of photographers -- which means knowing you'll always have great pictures.
* Geneva has an annual wine festival -- grape stomp and all.

Saturday, September 8, 2007


* Sometimes it's hard to appreciate things for exactly what they are -- no more, no less.
* Heels can work wonders for your confidence.
* Second City is a really good time. Watch out for the camera in the lobby, though...
* There are few things better than good conversation.

Thursday, September 6, 2007


* Pavarotti died. He was 71.
* The easiest way to ruin your favorite album is to listen to it during a bad transition in your life. You'll always associate certain songs with certain experiences. Choose wisely.
* You never really have to grow up.

Wednesday, September 5, 2007


* I'm no good with distance, but my place is exactly one junior strawberry milkshake from the SNS.
* Remember Perfection? That game where you try to get all the little pieces in before the thing blows up in your face? I have a sneaking suspicion They created that game to prepare you for what life's really like.
* Don't be the idiot who washes the fuchsia towel with the khaki pants.

Tuesday, September 4, 2007


* Never settle.
* Don't underestimate the power of conversation.
* Unpack as soon as you can or it'll never get done.
* Numbers are confusing.

Sunday, September 2, 2007


* September already. Yikes.
* The Sears Tower contains enough telephone wiring to wrap around the earth 1.7 times and is built with enough steel to make 69,000 cars.
* Rhode Island was formed when Massachusetts kicked a bunch of people out.
* Abe Lincoln was 6'4" tall. Once when he was challenged to a duel, he chose military broad swords as the weapon because he thought it'd be funny.
* Illinois farmland goes for about $5,000 an acre.
* Cahokia housed what is considered to be the most civilized group of Native Americans north of Mexico.
* Al Capone ended up in Chicago after he killed a man in Brooklyn at the age of 22. He was also known for being an equal-opportunist. He worked with all races and nationalities because he thought he'd make more money.
* PT Barnum (of Barnum and Bailey circus) was a Connecticut state legislator.
* The first hamburger as we know it was served at Louis Lunch (pronounced "Louis' " -- which drives me crazy) in Connecticut.
(...ok, so I got distracted watching "The States" on the History Channel today.)

Saturday, September 1, 2007


* The nice thing about working at a newspaper is that you get to start over every day. (That way, you always have a chance to redeem yourself after those you-just-suck sort of nights.)
* Way to go, Joe, for having a hand in the Poshard story.
* I know it's technically correct, but every time I read a sentence such as, "He said he would retire next year," I can't help but wonder ...and now he won't? is there a "but"? what happened? Drives. Me. Nuts.
* I will follow the rules. I will follow the rules. I will...
* Next time you get sick of your roommate, think about how much worse coming home to an empty house could be.
* "Now remember, Amy, it happened for a reason..." Weird how mom and might-as-well-be mom tend to say the same things.
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