• I'm sort of intrigued (in a train-wreck kind of way) by the idea that people get more self-conscious as they get older. The more you know, the more you've experienced, the more comfortable and confident you should be in dealing with what have come to be pretty normal situations. Maybe some people take a little longer to catch on ...
• I'm no expert, but Wayne Coyne is the most approachable front man I've seen to date. (ABOVE: The Flaming Lips, July 17, 2009, Pitchfork Music Festival, Union Park, Chicago.)
• There always will be someone you deem better – smarter, taller, more attractive, better spoken, better at Scrabble, you name it. But you don't always have to be or have the best to be happy. (Do you ever feel like you should have learned things long before now?)
• Putting in the effort to ride a bike is much more appealing in the summer. (Do you ever feel like you should have learned things long before now?)
• Sometimes what someone wants isn't what you'd assume they want. Watch the speech from "Chasing Amy." It might make more sense 12 years later.
• WD-40 was created in 1953 to keep rust off rockets. It stands for "Water Displacement, 40th formula."
• Bad things often happen for no good reason. When they do, you have to accept that your story – the movie of your life that runs through your head – now includes that bad thing and the repercussions of it. It might not have been your preference to assume responsibility for that kind of baggage, but you can't undo it. And often without finding a satisfactory explanation for it, you have to work the story around that bad thing.
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